@ Teva Brew3 years ago
This is our second plant/herb/berry-flavored Historical Ale: this time the aroma comes from wood sorrel.
Wood sorrel is a lovely herb. I used to nibble wood sorrels in backyards and forests when I was a kid. Even now I pick sometimes a few plants, chop them in pieces and season salads or dressings. I love the sourish pinch that wood sorrel gives, it originates from oxalic acid that the plant contains relatively much. Some people associate the flavor with lemon, I would rather say it's like lingonberry. Oxalic acid is typical at rhubarb whereas lemon contains citric acid and lingonberry, in turn, benzoic acid.
Well, whatever. The beer is what I'm supposed to review. It pours turbid, raisin brown with a hint of orange. A bit shy carbonation lays a latte-hued head that spreads on the surface up to the level of half a finger. The carbonation will obviously still gain strength since this was bottled not more than nine days ago. Nevertheless, a thin lace ring circles the surface for some time.
The scent is... NICE! It's very nice actually. It's not just "thin Sahti" but actually bears a distinct aroma of its own. As if it was brewed like this from the very beginning. I can pick medium-sweet malt, biscuit and a whisper of strawberry bubblegum. Yes, you read it right! Strawberry bubblegum! I have no idea where it comes from but it's quite attractive.
The taste profile is really appealing. Of course, it's thin, this is only 3.6 % but by no means watery. A berry-like flavor is clearly there — it's distantly like strawberry but gives also an idea of both raspberry and lingonberry. Intriguing! Crackers have substituted for biscuit, and the malty side is not sweet anymore but offers remote raisin. In addition, I now receive unmistakable orange peel, lemon zest and a suggestion of mandarin. Ok, there we go! Wood sorrel is supposed to taste lemony, and now I'm getting it! What an interesting combination and even quite nice. I was prepared for something else but am surprised positively.
The body is thin to light. Better than I anticipated. The beer carries most of the flavors to the end but sweeter citruses and strawberry grow marginally at the expense of the rest of the components. The aftertaste goes to a primeval forest, hears unfamiliar voices from every direction and, as a result, runs quickly back home.
The mouthfeel is light, berry-like, refreshing and balanced. A distant dry sensation can also be felt on both sides of the tongue. I'd love to also say it's clean but I can't as I don't know what 'clean' in this context means. This is probably the only wood sorrel flavored ale in Pint Please. Maybe wood sorrel has been used among other ingredients in a few beers but most likely they are very few.
Would I gulp bucketfuls of this if I was a peasant in the 18th century? Absolutely! I'm so stunned by this brew that I can't help rating it fairly high 😇 The low ABV is just perfect here. For me, I consider this a hit.