RVB IPA (Indian Pale Ale) is our offering you the style has a history borne of practicality. The beer, brewed in England , was being exported to British troops in India . It had to be specially brewed to survive the long boat ride around Africa . So to prevent the brew from spoiling, it had to be more alcoholic, more malty and more hoppy. Our IPA is generously hopped and has a firm malty foundation. It's brewed to the American model of IPA which uses domestic hops that tend towards citrus impressions such as grapefruit this deep amber colored beer is made with pale, crystal and Munich malts. This three-pronged malt bill lays a sturdy foundation for gobs of hops. The alcohol level s about 6.5%ABV. We finish this beer with cascade, Chinook, and Amarillo hops resulting in a spicy, citrus, bouquet.