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Zappa 6.5%, Urban Island Brewing Co Limited, England
3 notes
6.5% English IPA


Post author: Holger Nilsson
Holger Nilsson
@ Ølhus København
2 years ago
Zappa, England
Melko mieto maku aluksi näillä prosenteilla. Jälki karvautta löytyy.

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ James' House
3 years ago
Zappa, England
Underneath the dominant flavour there is a soft, pillowy stone fruit-laden hazy IPA which I think could be their best beer yet. Unfortunately there is an overwhelmingly strange and intense raw peanut flavour completely dominating the flavour profile. I’ll try it again in a few more weeks to compare but my friend reckons it’s different from the can.

Post author: Jamie K
Jamie K
@ Urban Island Brewing Co.
3 years ago
Zappa, England
Was quite interested to try this as it’s a new hop being used. Zappa, a wild hop native to New Mexico, named after Frank Zappa. The hop takes centre stage here, and perhaps it’s not the best use of it. It’s very dry and heavily bittered. These are qualities are like within a Pale, however there needs to be something else to take off the edge. 👏 Applaud my local brewery for using a new hop and showcasing it. And the fact my partner designed the can label 😊