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Pet The Tiger 7.2%, Green Cheek Beer Co., United States
3 notes
Pet The Tiger
7.2% India Pale Ale
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We don't mean to cause a panic, but this tiger is on the loose! He’s got a pretty good bite and reeks of the best hops around, but don’t worry, he can be tamed like, super easily. All it takes is a little pet-pet. Citra and Mosaic take center stage with this clear and bitter IPA, where we’re using some of the best Citra we’ve ever smelled! Dry, with a full bitterness that isn’t harsh, and hitting with flavorful layers of fresh squeezed orange juice, super ripe mango, and a little squeeze of grapefruit oil.


Post author: Grey
@ Green Cheek Beer Co.
3 years ago
Pet The Tiger, United States
BEER: Pet the Tiger BREWERY: Green Cheek Beer Co. BEER STYLE: IPA COUNTRY: USA ABV.: 7.2% COLOUR (EBC): Golden Yellow (6.0) BITTERS (EBU/IBU): - AROMA: Mosaic forwarded. Dank and ”swampy”. Yammy. HEAD: Thick, one finger tall. Nicely lasting and leaves solid amount of lacing after it. GREY’S VIEW Citra & Mosaic hopped IPA. First sip. And indeed! It is a IPA. Yeah, taste has pine cones, ripe tangerine and grapefruits. Citra is slow on this one. Mouthfeel is slow and sticky. Body being slightly over medium, or then it’s those flavours that cheats me. Aftertaste is dryingly grapefruity with citrus end. OTHER NOTES: This has that west coast vibe to it, but it’s not clearly that. Hybrid of styles I’d say. Nice and surprizing. CANNED 17/2/2021 TASTED 15/3/2021

Post author: Niko O
Niko O
3 years ago
Olut on täysin kirkkaan keltaista, runsaalla kolmen sormen paksuisella valkealla vaahdolla, joka jättää mukavan pitsin lasiin. Tuoksu on raikkaan hedelmäinen, sitruksinen, appelsiininen, greippinen, mangoinen, aprikoosinen, humalainen ja hieman havuinen. Runko on keskitäyteläinen, raikkaan hiilihappoinen ja makeahkon katkeroinen. Maussa on runsaasti hedelmiä, sitrusta, appelsiinia, mandariinia, mangoa, greippiä, aprikoosia, humalaa, hieman havuja, karamellia ja aavistus ruohoa. Pitkästä aikaa olit, jota ei voi mitenkään määritellä "hazy", muttei silti aivan perinteisen runsaan katkeroinenkaan IPA. Oluessa on mukavasti makeaa hedelmäisyyttä ja sitä tasapainottaa juuri sopiva katkero ja loppua kohti tuleva hento kuivuus. Ai että tätä voisi juoda useammankin peräkkäin.