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Merryculous 11.8%, Saloon Door Brewing, United States
1 ratings
11.8% Imperial Stout


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Allen's Cave
3 years ago
Merryculous, United States
This is one of my favorite small Texas breweries near my daughter's house. Enjoying with my son. Starts with a low, very tan head. Strong alcohol aroma. Thick creamy head. Opaque brown color. Initial flavor is strong alcohol followed by intense pecan flavored pancakes with maple syrup. Alcohol is strong but not quite to the point of being overpowering. Finish is the sweet maple and continues with the pecan flavor with the alcohol diminishing slightly. Again Saloon Door surpasses expectations. For a small brewery, they are excellent and if you are in the area you need to swing by and give them a try.