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Thunder In Paradise 8.1%, Alvarado Street Brewery, United States
4 ratings
Thunder In Paradise
8.1% Imperial / Double Milkshake IPA
Hazy Cream Double IPA with raw & malted oats, and milk sugar. Double dry hopped with Mosaic & Citra for a rush of bright tropical fruit flavors to the face. Creamy texture, hint of sweetness.


Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Alvarado Street Brewery & Grill
4 years ago
Thunder In Paradise, United States
One last beer from Alvarado Street Brewery. Pretty good beers from this brewery. Didn't quite live to my expectations, though. Canned on 3.2.2021 Temperature: +10 C Thick looking beer with yellow color and soapy head: 3,75/5 The aroma is very, very refreshing. Bright citrus and tropical aromas. I was thinking there's going to be some lactose or oat, but I can't find any🤷‍♂️not really milkshakey, but otherwise good one: 4,25/5 The mouthfeel flows. Creamy and velvety! Lactose and oat both work flawlessly. The body, the texture, everything spot on here: 5/5 The taste, like the scent, is filled up with citrus and a mixture of tropical fruits. Now, there's also a mild lactose sweet flavor. The taste starts well but then it kind of stops, and a bitter sensation remains in the mouth. This happens with every sip: 11,75/15 Even though the taste didn't quite last till the end and this isn't the most Milkshakey Milkshake IPA, it's a pretty damn good beer nevertheless. The mouthfeel and scent are the true stars in the brew: 15,5/20 =40,25/50

Post author: Grey
@ Alvarado Street Brewery & Grill
4 years ago
Thunder In Paradise, United States
BEER: Thunder In Paradise BREWERY: Alvarado Street Brewery BEER STYLE: DIPA COUNTRY: USA ABV.: 8.0% COLOUR (EBC): Orange Juice Yellow (15.0) BITTERS (EBU/IBU): - AROMA: Pleasant. Some mango and some watermelon and lemons. Dank on the backside; resiny and earthy. HEAD: Thick and tiny bubbled, one finger tall. GREY’S VIEW Mosaic, Citra Cryo, Simcoe & Idaho 7 DDH Double Milkshake DIPA w/ Milk Sugar, Raw & Malted Oats. Looks like this is one of those beers that requires time to show what they’ve in them. There’s lemon peels, cantaloupe and lots of tangerine on the first wave. Slowly they turn towards piney feel with some dimmed feel of earthiness and faint bitterness. It’s more juicy anyway. But intresting. Mouthfeel is quite creamy, hoppy and bit snappy. Milk sugar is used perfectly in this one; it giving some soft , pillowy, feel on the background. Aftertaste is tad lip gluing, nicely pineappleish and softly milkish. OTHER NOTES: Nice one! Ha! Weird to have a DIPA with Milk Sugar and DDH, but it has been done stylishly. Name tells it all. CANNED 2/3/2021 TASTED 16/4/2021

Post author: Niko O
Niko O
4 years ago
Olut on täysin samean oranssia, noin parin sormen paksuisella valkealla vaahdolla. Tuoksu on hyvin trooppisen hedelmäinen, mangoinen, sitruksinen, appelsiininen, aprikoosinen, persikkainen, hieman greippinen, cantaloupemeloninen, karamellinen ja aavistuksen humalainen. Runko on täyteläinen, hiilihappoinen ja makea. Maussa on runsaasti trooppisia hedelmiä, mangoa, aprikoosia, sotrusta, appelsiinia, greippiä, persikkaa, cantaloupemelonia, hieman humalaa, karamellia ja aavistus jotain ruohomaisuutta. Positiivinen yllätys. Tästä kyllä huomaa kohtuullisen hyvin laktoosin, muttei tämä ole kuitenkaan ehkä aivan milkshake tyyppinen, mikä on omasta mielestä ainakin vaan hyvä asia. Todella runsas ja yllättävänkin helppo juoda. Jälimakukaan ei jää tunkkaiseksi, vaan mukava hedelmäisyys jatkuu todella pitkään.