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Brewlab #7A 5.4%, Kahakka Brewery, Finland
48 ratings
Brewlab #7A
5.4% Hefeweizen


Post author: Diabeetikko
2 years ago

Post author: Olli P
Olli P
@ S-market Haapavesi
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland
Banaaninvivahteinen vehnäolut. Perus vehnä, ei omaan makuun

Post author: Markku J
Markku J
@ K-Supermarket Kangasala
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland
Ruskehtavan keltainen hyvin vaahtoava vehnäolut.

Post author: Ilari L
Ilari L
3 years ago

Post author: OhraVesku
3 years ago
Hyvä vaahto, joka häviää nopeasti, lievästi banaanien, hivenen makea, suht pehmeä vehnä, voisi olla vähemmän happoa, tuoksu ei nyt hurmannut, kiva ja helppo olut.

Post author: Obi-Mäc-Kenobi
3 years ago

Post author: WexiLahti
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland
Semihazy, amber honey-hued beer with effervescent carbonation bangs first a creamy spongy head that skyrockets up to astronomical two palms' level. Gradually, however, the frothy balloon loses air, leaves a number of shooting lace stars on the glass and melts to a thin haze. The scent is wheaty, somewhat stuffy rather than fresh but not entirely musty either. Fermented orange, a drop of mandarin juice and fruity yeast give this Hefe a slightly exotic touch. The taste profile is fruity and especially medium-sweet citrusy: I can detect orange peel, a pinch of mandarin and distant grapefruit but also apricot. Banana steps up now for the first time but timidly. Wheat manages to escape from stuffiness, it's biscuity and soft. Yeast is moderate in the background and it, too, intensifies the beer's fruity character. The body is certainly light. The finish is not much different from the earlier provision but the loss of any sweet-leaning flavors can be observed. The aftertaste puts up its own laboratory and starts doing experiments like a mad professor. The mouthfeel is light, effervescent, balanced and gluggable. Quite okay.

Post author: Esa K
Esa K
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland

Post author: Joukku
@ Lapin Panimo Panimomyymälä
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland
Tuoksu vähän lievemmän banaaninen. Maku on aika lievän banaaninen. Pientä purevuutta maussa. Pientä mausteisuutta

Post author: Vasu
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala
3 years ago
Brewlab #7A, Finland
Ei tää mun mielestä kovin hyvin muistuta saksalaista vehnäolutta. Joku omituinen humala tunkee esiin ja banaani aromit kuten vehnäoluissa yleensä eivät maistu. Sen verran plussaa ettei tää pahaa ole ja suositeltavampi kuin perus suomilaagerit.