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One More Wave Simcoe 7.5%, Transient Artisan Ales, United States
2 ratings
One More Wave Simcoe
7.5% Imperial IPA / Double IPA
Takin a deep dive into aroma-burg, and this fine fella is the uncontested mayor. One More Wave is our rotating series focused on our favorite hop varietals, and looks to give you a full on experience with their specific and unique beauty. This little guy is our take on Simcoe, and at just shy of 8 percent and delightfully round, you will marvel at its simple complexity. Just try not to marvel! I dare ya!
Hops: Simcoe


Post author: Lasis
@ Kihøskh
4 years ago
One More Wave Simcoe, United States
Samea, keltainen. Nopeat valkeat vaahdot. Tuoksu hedelmäinen. Maku pehmeä, sitrusta, appelsiinia, neulasta ja humalaa.(6/1/21) Miellyttävä olut.

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
No review, just enjoying it. 4.25/5