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Samhain 6.2%, The White Hag Brewing Company, Ireland
2 ratings
6.2% Pumpkin Ale


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
2 years ago
Samhain, Ireland
The other side of the beer scene at this time of year...pumpkin ale. This poured well out of the can with an immediate waft of the so called 'pumpkin spice'. The body is a deep amber colour with a little orange twinge and had two fingers of off white, foamy head. Aroma is intense cinnamon and nutmeg with little else getting in or out. In the mouth it feels overly foamy, and a little oily, leaving a coating in the mouth. Taste carries faint traces of malt and hops but this is all buried beneath a wall of cinnamon, nutmeg and a little ginger. The 6.2% ads a little warmth and there is a slight metallic aftertaste in the end. I think this would be best served at room temperature on a cold evening. Not the worst but one is enough.

Post author: Decrausaz L.
Decrausaz L.
3 years ago
Bière brune orangée, mousse crémeuse et houblons présents. Au nez, la courge et la cannelle sont très présentes. On sent des notes caramélisées. En bouche, la bière est douce. On dirait vraiment une tarte cannelle courge. L’amertume est légère. L’acidité est moindre et l’alcool se ressent moyennement. Au final, une excellente bière.