Mellow, with a distinct body just like our classic 6-8-10, the Triple Extra is distinguished by its golden blond colour, its rounded taste, notes of citrus and a spicy fragrance.
This subtle blend of tradition and skills lets you discover a refreshing beer that, delightful even to the palates of connoisseur beer afficionados.
IBU : 35
Michel M
10 days ago
Michaël C
@ A la maison !10 days ago
Une belle blonde avec le goût de houblons bien présent et la petite touche épicée se sent bien en bouche. Un petit pétillant et une mousse très légère.
@ Doreca San Giovanni Teatino14 days ago
e quindi è così che sono le tripel... è una birra completamente diverda da quelle a cui sono abituato, ma a quanto pare questa e la westmalle sono delle tripel perfette.
al naso è molto meno dolce di quanto mi aspettassi, alla vista è di un colore tendente al pesca con una notevole quantità di sedimenti.
al palato è secchissima e si percepisce parecchio l'alcol insieme a dei sentori agrumati deboli.
se questa è una tripel, a quanto pare, non mi piacciono le tripel.
in foto si vede quasi tutto il sedimento che c'era.
odorando l'ultimo sorso rimasto è emerso un forte sapore di giacca di jeans di un fumatore, non so da cosa sia dovuto ma spero che questa terribile esperienza sia un caso isolato e la birra non sia realmente così
crochet y
14 days ago
@ Hoptimaal15 days ago
The beer colors gold while a medium haze blurs the appearance. The carbonation is manageable, even rather limited, but the emerging soapy froth is enormous. Fills basically first the entire glass. Fortunately, the foamy tower descends fast and allows me to enjoy the beer itself.
A malty kick approaches my nose. Much less sweet than I anticipate. I almost don't pick any candi sugar or invert syrup there. Citrusy notes linger in the air, especially lemon and orange peel, the latter of which is even an ingredient in this beer. The fragrance is somewhere between fresh and musty, not fully either or.
The palate offers much fresher flavors, such as various malts, including wheat, orange peel, lemon pith, a drop of lemon zest and a vibe of invert syrup. It's very manageable, not at all something to dislike. Not sure if I pick a whisper of coriander seed or not, but at least truly faint whitepepper is detectable. All in all, very enjoyable and an easy gateway to the world of Tripels.
The body is medium-full. Very nice! Holds the horses of the alcohol sturdily. The finish turns marginally crisper and more bitter, giving especially the pith and peel parts of the aforementioned citruses for a good while.
The mouthfeel is medium-full, zesty, pithy, refreshing and intense. And effervescent. Overall, an attractive and fairly classical piece.
P.S. Looks like I have given very high ratings to all the beers of this brewery. 👍🏻
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