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Don't Tase Me, Cherry! 6.9%, Teva Brew, Finland
1 ratings
Don't Tase Me, Cherry!
6.9% Flavoured Stout / Pastry Stout


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Teva Brew
4 years ago
Don't Tase Me, Cherry!, Finland
Back to homebrews. Now the glass is filled with a cherry vanilla stout. Number four. The beer colors bright black with a hair-thin rosebud hue. The carbonation is a tad introvert but releases a cute, latte-hued, bubbleless head that rises up to half a finger's yardstick. The velvety head dissolves soon to an adorable lace ring on the top. No splashes are left behind. The scent displays truly distant, light-sour and overripe cherry. Otherwise the olfactory provision is numb. The palate portrays a medium-strong amendment of cherry mash. The cherries are slightly sour and very ripe. I can also pick suggestions of blackberry and rowanberry. The cherries are from our own summer cottage yard. They actually taste like they now taste in the beer -- they are not sweet at all. However, the intensity is not particularly deep. I'd prefer more vivid nuances. Moreover, I'm not sure if vanilla softens the package since I can't find the vanilla itself at all. Perhaps the note of cherry would be even more sour without vanilla. The body is light-medium. The cherry steps more boldly to the limelight in the finish. The flavor is still, of course, somewhat sour and substantially ripe. The nuance merges with some blackberry and a proposal of blackcurrant. The aftertaste puts loads of dark berries to the tastebuds' plate for a long time. The mouthfeel is slightly tart, a tad dry and moderately mouth-drying. It's reasonably rich in berries, gardeny and unique. Quite interesting. Not something that I'd come across too often. I'd like to have bolder flavors but, generally speaking, I consider this a success. 👍🏻🍒