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Full Turbo (Batch 3) 8.0%, Transient Artisan Ales, United States
1 ratings
Full Turbo (Batch 3)
8.0% Imperial IPA / Double IPA


Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Side by side review with batch 3 and 4 of Full Turbo from Transient. I've never had either before, but happened to acquire both, so why not? Batch 3: Citrusy aroma. Taste has citrusy hops, oranges, pineapple and grapefruit. Very minor amount of bitterness in the aftertaste. Batch 4: Citrusy aroma, but not quite as strong as batch 3. Taste has citrusy and tropical hops, oranges, pineapple, mango and some grapefruit. They're both very good, but I do like the addition of tropical flavors in batch 4. I'll give batch 3 a 4/5 and batch 4 a 4.25/5