3 years ago
Jari L
3 years ago
Jesse M
@ K-Supermarket Vieremä3 years ago
Juhannuspäivä 2021. Saunan lämmitys puuhissa.
Sen minkä tämä rungossa häviää, niin maussa korjaa. Trooppista ja todella iisiä Apaa. Tähän hetkeen loistava. Citra, Simcoe ja Mosaic humalina. 3,7/5.
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala3 years ago
@ Pien Shop & Bar3 years ago
Quite cloudy, pineapple-juice-hued beer with cheerful carbonation unlocks a massive froth that exceeds all the standards when poured from a distance. The foamy stack melts gradually down to a billlowy unsystematic layer on the top.
I sniff the beer and pick relatively powerful pineapple, a bit of mango and a whisper of soft peach. Additionally, I find medium-sweet orange and a good amount of squeezed lemon from the citrusy sphere. Overall, astonishingly tropical zesty and juicy, especially as an APA. Really crushable at this stage. 💛💛💛
The taste serves refreshing juicy components but not so much those sweeter tropical fruits that the fragrance indicates. The citrusy delegation marches forward, led by bags of mouthwatering grapefruit pulp and bitter orange peel. Pineapple follows behind in diminution. Peach is truly distant whereas mango goes hiding to my gustatory sense. DDH is recognizeable and nicely present on the tongue but not particularly massive though. In a nutshell, the taste profile serves the purpose neatly, it's a very modern APA with a distinct East Coast twist. Nice as such! On the other hand, the intensity and mellowness lag behind the promise given by the scent. 💛💛
The body is light. The finish offers citruses, I could pinpoint grapefruit pulp and bitter orange peel, maybe also a bit of lemon zest. The rest of the fruit basket disappears somewhere. The aftertaste paints the American flag with green and yellow and receives frown from the conservative tastebuds.
The mouthfeel is light, substantially zesty, juicy as well as reasonably pulpy. It's also moderately tropical, refreshing, smooth and faintly crisp. Moreover, I could add 'dry' and 'drying' to the list.
I 💛 the fact that this beer is an innovative and modern hybrid that doesn't easily fit into the conventional APA category.
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala3 years ago
Riku K
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala3 years ago
Vaahto yllättävän pieni kuplainen ja pysyy pitkään. Väri on oljen keltainen mehumainen vaalea ananas mehu. Todella herkullinen. Tuoksussa todella raikasta ananasta, makeaa nektariinia, persikka. Tuoksu on todella trooppisen raikas. Maku mukailee tuoksua. Mutta hedelmät tulevat maussa kuivempana. Eli olut on siis veto kamaa. Todella pehmeä, pyöreä ja suuntäyteinen maku. Lopuksi humala jää mukavasti suuhun pyörimään. Saakelin hyvin tehty raikas olut. Tarpeeksi kuiva mun makuun. Maku virheitä ei löydy.
@ Sori Taproom4 years ago
Ei kovin erikoinen, aika kirpsakka APA. Humala maistuu ihan kivasti.