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Bede's Chalice 9.0%, The Durham Brewery, England
7 ratings
Bede's Chalice
9.0% Tripel
Coriander and American centennial hops magically combine to give an aroma of lychees and peaches.


Post author: Simon P
Simon P
@ St Aidan's Winery - Holy Island
10 months ago
Bede's Chalice, England

Post author: TC
3 years ago
Bede's Chalice, England

Post author: Cecu
4 years ago

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
@ Real Ale Corner
6 years ago
Bede's Chalice, England
Quite effervescent on pouring with a head that seems to be open and leaving quite quickly. The taste is like a strong tripel should be with strong almost brandy flavours and a good aroma.

Post author: Kevin I
Kevin I
6 years ago

Post author: Philmyglass
7 years ago
Bede's Chalice, England
Not great I'm afraid. It's always dangerous if you call a beer Belgian. If you're going to risk that moniker the beer has got to be good. This isn't. Firstly the head disappeared in seconds like fizzy pop. This almost fake carbonation carried on in the mouthfeel, as if dispensed from a soda stream. The flavour was good at first, slightly yeasty and malty, slightly sweet, you could say almost Belgian! Then just at the moment a good Belgian beer would build to a crescendo of the aforementioned, it very quickly turned fizzy, watery and sharply bitter, really quite unpleasant in fact, before fading to a weak alcohol aftertaste. Maybe it was a problem during bottling and this wasn't the way it was meant to be, or maybe my expectations were too high because they stuck Belgian Tripel on the label. I'd try it again to find out but my hopes are not high!