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Deadman Creek, Cranberry Wheat, Yukon Brewing Company, Canada
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Deadman Creek, Cranberry Wheat
Wheat Beer / Wheat Ale
This beer is different. Long before the big boys added lime flavours to their lagers, we were making a wheat ale which combined natural cranberries with the tangy goodness of yeast, since the beer is unfiltered. We started as a seasonal beer, using only Yukon berries. Demand soon outstripped the supply, however, and we (now) only supplement with local berries when they are available. Of course, we only use pure natural cranberries, with no artificial flavours. You’re not going to be overwhelmed by the cranberries, they lurk in the shadows of this ale with their tart flavour complementing the yeast perfectly. A cloudy pour shouldn’t scare you off, as an unfiltered beer, it’s supposed to look like that – just relax and enjoy (just make sure to keep a second close by).
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