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Kill & Destroy 18.0%, De Struise Brouwers, Belgium
9 Bewertungen
Kill & Destroy
18.0% Quadruple IPA


Post author: Clemi
@ Bar & Beer
3 months ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium
18% quelle abomination! Mais pour une murge c’est efficace.. je pense que pour le coup j’ai eu de la chance d’être malade et de pas goûter grand chose, même comme ça je goûtais l’alcool

Post author: Lennert DC
Lennert DC
@ Barnabeer
1 year ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium

Post author: Thomas Citters
Thomas Citters
1 year ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium

Post author: Anthony P
Anthony P
1 year ago
Alors oui, c est fort, très fort , trop fort ... Mais honnetement, ce n est paq imbuvable. De 1, il faut avoir envie de se prendre 18 degré dans le coco ... et l interet est de se murger correctement et rapidement. De 2, c est assez étonnant et on s y habitue, la premiere gorgée pique un peu mais au final c est une brune douce mélangé avec du rhum haha

Post author: Dank
@ Absolument Bières
2 years ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium
Ouahhhhhh, couleur brune claire. Au nez ca sent le chouchen et en bouche nous avons ce même goût sans le miel. Attention il y a 18 cv dans le moteur, donc on n'appuie pas sur le champignon, mais on est plus sur le régulateur pour la descente. Un peu d'amertume et un légère note d'amande sur la fin.

Post author: Pol H
Pol H
@ @home
2 years ago

Post author: Ewiq
@ De BierTonne
3 years ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium
EI. Aivan kamala. 😅

Post author: Juho L
Juho L
3 years ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium
Olipas huikea olut. Ajattelin volttien perusteella lähteä barley wine pohjalta ja viinikaappi lämpötilasta. Oli luultavasti oikea ratkaisu. Kylmyys olisi luultavasti sotkenut makupaletin. Iso kiitos tästä veljelle. Erittäin mieluinen yllätys 😊

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ De BierTonne
4 years ago
Kill & Destroy, Belgium
New beer in Pint Please. Interesting nightcap. Bottled on 12.2.2020 Temperature: +12 C Reddish-orange color. Some chill haze. Small but long-lasting off-white head. Thick texture: 3,5/5 And then the first sniff and it is absolutely horrifying... Like overly sweet malty liquor with ripped, almost rotten fruitiness and vomit😝Hyi helvetti. Gets a little better when this warms up but hard to get over the first shock: 1/5 Mouthfeel is overly alcoholic with hot fumes. High bitterness (309 IBUs according to the brewery) but still not enough to handle this. Although this doesn't get cloying. Just otherwise horrible: 1,5/5 This actually reminds me a lot of one ice distilled beer I tried to make at home once (Perfectly legal in Finland, surprisingly so)... Taste is just a mixture of overly sweet maltiness and ripped fruitiness. Alcohol tastes but doesn't dominate... Interestingly, the flavor isn't THAT horrible but still quite bad: 5/15 What can I say? Interesting beer but should IPA really be this strong? If I'm correct, this is aged in Bourbon barrels but no sign of that. Rather the alcohol aroma and taste feel like cheap booze. Perhaps this is too young ( and definitely it is) or the beer is just terrible. Probably both🤷‍♂️Slow sipper. Maybe De Struise has just been like "fuck it, let's brew extremely strong IPA, it will sell": 6/20 =17/50