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Alloces 12.5%, Lobik Brewery, Slovenia
1 notes
12.5% Imperial Stout


Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Beerdome
4 years ago
Alloces, Slovenia
New beer in Pint Please. Nightcap. Best before 1.1.2022 Temperature: Almost black in color with a medium-thick viscosity. Long-lasting mousse-like head. Good looking brew: 4,5/5 Aroma has a touch of fruity sweetness, chocolate, coffee, tobacco smoke and a weird, not so nice glue or paint scent🤷‍♂️Not the purest aroma: 3,25/5 Mouthfeel is medium-full and a bit tart. The tart feel collides hard with the thick malty backbone, especially the darker malts. Low carbonation, medium-low bitterness: 3/5 Taste is sweet with fruity and berry tartness (somewhat like a raspberry), chocolate, coffee, toasted maltiness and some residual sweetness. Bit odd and all over the place. Also, I'm not a big fan of too much fruity esters and tartness in Imperial Stouts. The beer still manages to end quite nicely with a bittersweet chocolate slide: 9/15 This just doesn't work. Unbalanced with too strong annoying esters and tartness. Also, not nearly as intense as an IS with 12,5% ABV should be: 11,75/20 =31,5/50