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Acai & Passionfruit Sour 3.5%, Pirate Life, Australia
5 ratings
Acai & Passionfruit Sour
3.5% Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Odd sour fruity overtones, hoppy/ wheaty flavour in the aftertaste. Refreshing, would drink again


Post author: Joe W
Joe W
@ Pirate Life Brewery
1 year ago
Acai & Passionfruit Sour, Australia
That is so good. Not too overpowering.

Post author: JP Visée
JP Visée
2 years ago
Acai & Passionfruit Sour, Australia
An easy drinking fruit sour. Flavours are very subtle with a very soft finish. A Sour for those occasions where you want an easy drinking mid.

Post author: Ilya M
Ilya M
4 years ago
There's something a bit artificial about this, like sweet and sour syrup added to lager... But it grows on you after a while.

Post author: Ko B
Ko B
5 years ago