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Contract Burn 11.0%, Revision Brewing Company, United States
6 notes
Contract Burn
11.0% Imperial IPA / Double IPA


Post author: HooDee
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
2 years ago
Contract Burn, United States
Olipas hyvän makuinen ja nauttittava olut. Ei uskoisi prossien määrää, niin hyvin piilossa.

Post author: Aurélien  J
Aurélien J
3 years ago
Contract Burn, United States

Post author: Mg's F
Mg's F
@ Mille et une Bière - Champigny
3 years ago

Post author: Bastien P
Bastien P
3 years ago

Post author: Roust'
3 years ago

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago
Contract Burn, United States
Has some light watermelon & orange. A hint of pine. For a IIPA I find this very light and watery. It does hide the alcohol which is 11%. Don’t taste it at all. I have to ask if this corona virus is shutting down everything across the world? Here is the US all sports are shut down. Anyone that can work from home has to. Toilet paper is getting scarce as everyone is scared they will have to stay home for extended time. Schools are closed. Nobody is going out. It’s crazy. I think I may have to stock up on beer. Just wondering if outside the US is just as bad?