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Negra 4.2%, Taberna de la Muralla, Cuba
1 arviota
4.2% Dunkel / Tmavý


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Factoria Plaza Vieja
4 years ago
Negra, Cuba
My first Cuban microbrewery 🇨🇺. Only two beers on tap. The first beer is named "Black" but it actually colors murky, very deep dark brown. The reasonable carbonation creates a cream-colored, silky head that climbs up to two fingers. The foamy cap dissolves sluggishly to a lower level but still remains as a dense cotton lacing on top for significantly long. A few tiny spots can be detected afterwards on the glass. The nose gets surprised because of the moderate nuance of blackcurrant. Perhaps a suggestion of blackberry also emanates to the nostrils. Interesting. The tongue experiences a bit of dry black malt with a faint roasted twist. A berry-like medley of blackcurrant and blackberry does actually linger on the taste receptors. Not sure if this is supposed to be a Stout or a Dark Lager or a Dark Sour but it ends up being a hybrid. The body is astonishingly thin. The beer ends with a gentle touch of blackberry, a tad blackcurrant and extremely moderately roasted malt. The aftertaste vanishes from the tongue rather hastily. The mouthfeel is light, very distantly roasty, slightly dry and intriguingly juicy. Also somewhat confusing but by no means in a negative way.