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Shadow of Labours 4.8%, Kalsarikännit Brewing, Canada
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Shadow of Labours
4.8% Mild Ale


Post author: Gordzilla
@ Kalsarikännit Brewing
4 years ago
Shadow of Labours, Canada
Hard hours sacrificed and rewarded with unequal returns in the quest to feed and cloth and live. But some prizes are had that wash the blood dust and curses from beaten body and spirits of the working folk. BEER. A dark mild created from the leftovers of creations that came before it, in honour of the work that went into them, Shadow of Labours. Pours a nice late evening dark colour with highlights of red. Cant be called black because of the mildly translucent nature and clarity. Produces a respectful proud head that sits down slowly and leaves a thin lingering layer. Aromatically gentle, with roasty notes and subtle suggestions of singed toffee, sweet caramel, and subtle biscuit. It drinks very smoothly with a light but present body. The tongue is easily able to let this pass quickly without missing any of its nuances. Again the gentle roast flavour and very minor caramel and biscuit just enough to add the depth I would want. The only flaw i find with this beer, is small and not unpleasant. There is a very small earthy hop note that sits just a wee taller than it should. No lingering aftertaste. Just relaxing sighs and a smile.