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Screenshot 11.0%, Prairie Artisan Ales, United States
7 notes
11.0% Imperial Stout
Imperial stout with hazelnut roasted coffee


Post author: Tuoppi A
Tuoppi A
3 years ago

Post author: Derity
3 years ago

Post author: Ben A
Ben A
4 years ago

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
4 years ago
Screenshot, United States
Time for something deep. The beer colors impenetrable, deep dark brown. The hesitant carbonation creates a modest, chocolatey head that even falls short of half a finger's yardstick. The top becomes quickly flat still. The glass is also otherwise completely spotless. The nose is awaiting impatiently. There we go! I receive powerful cold-brew coffee and bags of roasted coffee beans. Hazelnut pushes forward determinedly and is seasoned with a subdued twist of delicate vanilla. Dark chocolate leaves a gentle fingerprint on the entire olfactory universe. Adorable and reasonably layered although not particularly complex.  🖤 The tongue dips timidly in the dark liquid. First of all, my taste receptors get a massive intense slam without any prior warning. Coffee is all over the place and forces my eyes wide open. This intensity is what a perfect cup of morning coffee is about. Dark chocolate contains whole hazelnuts that crack into pieces between the molars. Loads of fresh roasted coffee beans, a generous amount of cacao nibs and seductive vanilla accompany in various proportions. If you return to my first sentence, I wanted something deep. This is deep! There are layers and even more intensity but if there's anything more I dare hope, it's complexity. Almost perfect. Almost.  🖤🖤🖤 The body is intriguingly full. The rich nuances and the relative sweetness hypnotize my mind to believe that the body is even more robust but full I can surely call it. Just lovely! 🖤🖤🖤 The beer finishes first with abundant hazelnut that merges with strong dark chocolate and cacao nibs. Mocha follows behind and steps aside. I expected it to continue dominant to the last frontier. On the other hand, when I just wait with the finish, the coffeeish note returns to the taste receptors. Interesting! Maybe it's indecisive. The aftertaste hugs the tastebuds for a short to medium time. 🖤🖤 The mouthfeel is naturally intense, substantially deep and rich. It's also sufficiently layered. The mouth loves the velvety and smooth cuddles. The mouthfeel is, furthermore, attractively creamy and lip-glueing.

Post author: NaeZae
4 years ago
Screenshot, United States

Post author: Harala
@ Mikkeller Webshop
4 years ago
Screenshot, United States
Tuoksussa vahvaa pähkinää, hieman paahteisuutta ja kahvia. Maussa samat maut tulee ensi siemauksella hienosti esiin. Loppua kohti mennessä suun "turruttua", pähkinäisyys laimeni ja paahteinen mallas ja kahvi nousi enemmän esille. Makeutta ja kitkeryyttä löytyy tasapainoisesti. Alussa tuntui, että tämä on täydet pisteet ansaitseva, mutta hieman joutuu tinkimään.

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Hazelnut and coffee in the aroma. Taste has the same thing. Hazelnut coffee, but the hazelnut is nowhere near as strong as the aroma indicated, which is fine with me. Full bodied with an appropriately lower amount of carbonation. Despite my dislike of hazelnut, this beer is pretty tasty. It's a one time purchase, cause I wanted to try it ($9.99), but I definitely don't regret it. 4/5