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Redhead Andromeda 5.8%, Humaloidi Homebrewing, Finland
2 ratings
Redhead Andromeda
5.8% Red IPA


Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
5 years ago
Redhead Andromeda, Finland
Oxidated and re-bottled version. Got some bretta in it, as intended by Jari J. Scent has citrusy hops. Kinda like basic Finnish IPA scent. Citra. Taste has very slighty hoppiness. Bit wild ale vibes. Quite carbonated. Nowhere near red IPA as it should be 😂 nice how wild yeast changes it. Now I'm very sure that yesterday's Höyry olut was contamined as is this beer.

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
5 years ago
Redhead Andromeda, Finland
More beers by Jari J! Bottled two weeks and two days ago. Unfortunately he had to make this beer with old yeast and old hops. Beer itself looks nice with dark red color and long-lasting foam. Scent is subtly hopped and bitter-ish. Red aleish, too. Mouthfeel is very nice with good carbonation and thickness for low abv IPA. Since the hops are bit old, the flavours of taste aren't very strong. Malty, red aleish with slightly bitter-ish hops. Not bad, just wishing they'd be fresher. Aftertaste has bit of a home-ale flavour which I don't really like that much. Overall, the beer turned out to be quite easily drinkable and flavour didn't have any off-tastes at all. Keep up the good work, mate! Loved the mouthfeel.