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Lil' Nap 6.0%, Prairie Artisan Ales, United States
4 notes
Lil' Nap
6.0% Sour / Wild Ale
Sour Ale brewed w/ Blackberries and Lime Brewed by Prarie Artisan Ales


Post author: LärsPepi
@ Mikkeller Webshop
4 years ago

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
4 years ago
Lil' Nap, United States
Murky, dark raspberry mash colored beer with modest, rapid carbonation lays a light pinkish lace ring on the surface. The foamy ring gives no splashes on the glass. The nose gets bags of sour raspberry and blackberry, seasoned with a small but identifiable dollop of strawberry juice, a tad lime as well as lemon pulp. Blackberry, rowanberry and a bit of sour raspberry form the berry foundation of the taste. The citrusy elements of grapefruit, lime and lemon pulp accompany in the immediate proximity. Wheat malt follows right behind. The light-bodied beer ends with sour raspberry, blackberry, lemon pulp and lemon peel. I can surely also get a bit of wheat malt whereas lime has vanished from my radar. The aftertaste has a medium duration. The mouthfeel is tart, puckering, relatively light and appealingly juicy. It's therefore also nicely gardeny as well as summery. Very balanced.

Post author: Nicolas D
Nicolas D
5 years ago
Lil' Nap, United States

Post author: SimonDönder
@ Mikkeller Webshop
5 years ago
Lil' Nap, United States
Raikas, karhunvatukkainen, mustaherukkainen, kirpsakka. Limeä en maistanut. Hiukka lisää kirpeyttä ni ollaan mestoilla.