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Eyjafjallajokull / Эйяфьядлайёкюдль 10.5%, Alaska Brewery, Russia
8 ratings
Eyjafjallajokull / Эйяфьядлайёкюдль
10.5% Imperial Porter
Smoked imperial porter.


Post author: Александр
@ Hmel & Solod / Хмель & Солод
1 year ago
Eyjafjallajokull / Эйяфьядлайёкюдль, Russia
Сложно выговариваемое название это исландский вулкан, тот самый что в 2010 навёл суету в Европе. Но речь не о нём, о пиве, а оно прекрасное. Имперский портер с ЭНС аж в 22%. Чёрен как мечта Малевича. Пена была, но так не долго и не высоко. Аромат копчёной грудинки, той самой что уже шкварчит на сковороде над костром в зимнем лесу, естественно с паприкой. Тягучий глоток, копчёность быстро забивает рецепторы и сложно различить что-то ещё, но это в начале, после перезагрузки различимы сливки, чернослив, красный перец. Восторг! Мягкое послевкусие, с копчёным покалыванием языка. Реально - вулкан вкуса. Очень мощно. Фанатам копчёного пива, вроде меня, понравится. The hard-to-pronounce name is the Icelandic volcano, the same one that caused a fuss in Europe in 2010. But it's not about him, about beer, and it's beautiful. Imperial porter with plato as much as 22%. Black as a dream of Malevich. There was foam, but not for long and not high. The aroma of smoked bacon, the same one that is already sizzling in a pan over a fire in a winter forest, naturally with paprika. A viscous sip, smoked meat quickly clogs the receptors and it is difficult to distinguish anything else, but this is at the beginning, after a reboot of the receptors, cream, prunes, and red pepper are distinguishable. Delight! Mild aftertaste, with a smoky tongue prick. Really - a volcano of taste. Very powerful. Smoked beer fans like me will love it.

Post author: MrGreenworld
@ Maison de la Piousse
2 years ago
Malte bien présent, arrosée d’une pointe de scotch et légèrement fumée

Post author: Gleb
3 years ago

Post author: Decrausaz L.
Decrausaz L.
3 years ago
Bière noire, mousse crémeuse et houblons présents. Au nez, on sent les notes du Scotch, fumées, céréales grillées ,légère du fruit verger et de chocolat Sous le palais, la bière est crémeuse de caractère et riche. Amertume de moyenne à forte comme l’alcool et l’acidité légère. Le mélange de saveur est là. Le chocolat pour ces notes de douceurs, le pruneau pour les notes fruitées et les notes fumées et grillées sont apportées par le Scotch et les céréales. Finalement, une excellente bière!

Post author: Lion
@ Shop à Piousses
3 years ago
Eyjafjallajokull / Эйяфьядлайёкюдль, Russia
Le malts et le goûts du fût de Scotch sont bien présents et bien dosé, léger goût de fumer.

Post author: Morm
@ Shop à Piousses
3 years ago
De la bombe on sent bien le malt et le Scotch est juste présent comme il faut. Légèrement fumée

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
5 years ago
Eyjafjallajokull / Эйяфьядлайёкюдль, Russia
And another new Russian beer to Pint Please. Bottle. Bottled on 28.10.2019 Temperature: +10,5 C Dark coffee-brown color. Beautiful looking, creamy thick head with an awesome, long life. Lots of foam sticks to the glass. Ain't this pretty: 5/5 Nose is bready, toasty, tar-like with a hint of ash and subtle fruitiness. Unfortunately, very low-intensity aromas: 3/5 Full, round and smooth mouthfeel. Medium-low carbonation supports the creaminess well. I'd like a bit more "bite" to this one. Interesting there isn't any dark malt feel, this is so young and all... Good thing I didn't age this. I considered to do so at first: 3,5/5 Taste is bready malty with chocolate and light roastiness walking by the side. A hint of sweetness and some minor fruity esters. Too easy, but pleasant nevertheless. Tar taste in the aftertaste: 10/15 Deceptively easy to drink. Lacks character. In my books, this is a flaw in Imperial Porters. I'd like these beers to be roasty and challenging. This isn't either of those things: 13/20 =34,5/50

Post author: Rumbin
@ Бюро
5 years ago