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Next Day IPA 0.5%, Bad Co., England
3 betyg
Next Day IPA
0.5% India Pale Ale


Post author: Seasider
@ Asda Fleetwood
3 years ago
Okay but nothing special.

Post author: BigSniffy
@ Asda Burnley
5 years ago
Next Day IPA, England
It’s very pale and has that familiarity of citrus and pine. However like all low alcohol beers it’s just a bit wishy washy. Very watery. It’s not too bad and is drinkable.

Post author: Tom J
Tom J
@ Asda Basingstoke
5 years ago
Next Day IPA, England
It tastes and smells like an IPA in its hoppiness. There's not that familiar alcoholic bitterness that would usually follow the hops though. This leaves it feeling a bit... empty, superficial etc.