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Dog Days of Summer 5.0%, Mystic Mash, Romania
1 notes
Dog Days of Summer
5.0% New England IPA / Hazy IPA


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Zăganu Bistro (Fabrica de Bere Bunâ) - Romanian Craft Beer Bar
5 years ago
Dog Days of Summer, Romania
Flight 2/4. Transparent, deep amber beer with a soft fluffy, off-white head that exceeds one finger and clings tightly onto the side of the glass. The frothy cap adorns the top for significantly long. The nose receives malty punch and a distant note of dried apricot. The palate allows one to experience medium-hoppy malt that is boosted with a grainy tang. The beer finishes with hoppy grainy malt for a medium term. The mouthfeel is medium-strong, crisp and old-school. In addition, this is not a NEIPA.