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Dacic Lămâie și Mentă 1.9%, Zarea S. A., Romania
1 notes
Dacic Lămâie și Mentă
1.9% Other Cider


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Carrefour, Piața Sfânta Vineri
5 years ago
Dacic Lămâie și Mentă, Romania
Semifoggy, light gray cider with spritzy, short-lived carbonation creates a weak white head that melts rushedly away. The nose receives strong medium-sweet lime, a bit of grapefruit and a pinch of hacked mint. The taste follows the suit: lime is relatively sweet, mint follows in the distance. The drink finishes rather short. The mouthfeel is juicy, somewhat soft-drink-like, very fresh and gluggable.