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Spicy Chocolate 4.2%, Amistad, Romania
1 notes
Spicy Chocolate
4.2% Porter


Post author: WexiLahti
5 years ago
Spicy Chocolate, Romania
Murky, black beer with moderate, short-lived carbonation unleashes a timid, tiny-bubbled, light beige head that climbs up to half a finger's height. Soon the surface is adorned by a faint lace ring merely. No splatters on the glass are left. The nose receives dark brown malt, a bit of rye malt and a tad molasses. Overall, quite mild. The taste displays dark malt, a tad lemon peel, a bit of grapefruit and distinct dark molasses. I also depict a little bit of rye malt and a roasty aroma. The body is light-medium. The beer finishes rapidly with dark malt, a bit roasty nuance, weak lemon peel and faint-grassy hoppy nuance. The aftertaste rolls on tongue for some time. The mouthfeel is medium-light, remotely roasty and rather gluggable.