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Irish Red Ale 5.8%, Wolf Brewing Company, Canada
1 ratings
Irish Red Ale
5.8% Irish Ale


Post author: Gordzilla
@ Wolf Brewing Co
5 years ago
Irish Red Ale, Canada
A beautiful sunny spring day, with new blooms and green growth heavy on the breeze, promising that, "Hey, summer is just around the next bend, friend." Waiting calmly for the service folks to finish detailing my new truck and thinking how nicely it'll shine along with the sun. The cell phone jingles it melody in my pocket and smiling I answer.... Long story short, dog just cut it's leg open and we gotta go to the vet's for stitches. Sonoffa... Sitting in the waiting room I realize that only a block away is a local brewery I've not been to yet. No decision. "I'll be back soon." I promise. Later... Dog is fine, truck is fine, weather is still fine, and this beer, well,... that's just fine too. It pours a decent red, leaning a bit to to the brown side but still attractive and clean. A decent short lived head of about 3/4 of a finger. The foam settles into a nice thin raft that lasts the drink. Taking deep relaxing inhales further calming myself and enjoying springs perfume, I hold the glass up to my nose and revel in what I can only describe as balance. The malt and hops seeming to not conquer but join forces to make one aroma. Lightly caramel and and mostly bittering from the hops. Ever so slightly suggestive of floral. It slides over the tongue easily. The flavours not relinquishing their secrets till having been held and moved about the mouth. Again a lovely balance. A tangy hops bitterness lays and maintains the foundation through the whole sip, while the malt offers different sensations through the progression. At first nutty, then softly bready and finishing with gentle caramel and a hint of singed tofee. The hops finish the sip, but the caramel hold the aftertaste. A very solid and tasty limited release offering. Well done folks.