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Polly Wants His Juice 9.0%, Hop Hooligans, Romania
4 ratings
Polly Wants His Juice
9.0% New England DIPA / Hazy Imperial IPA


Post author: Lion
5 years ago
Polly Wants His Juice, Romania
Couleur: jaune brumeuse et laiteuse. Mousse: blanche. Au nez: mangue, fruits passions, herbes. En bouche: houblons, amertume moyenne, herbes, mangues, fruits de la passion, ananas. Carbonisation moyenne Savoureuse IPA.

Post author: WexiLahti
5 years ago
Polly Wants His Juice, Romania
Now, it's time to move to juicy beers. "Polly Wants His Juice" pours considerably hazy, deep yellow with a faint orange hue. The extrovert, decent-duration carbonation unlocks a two-finger, cream-colored, silky head. The head descends gradually down to a pretty lace ring on top. The retreating foam paints the glass with multiple diagonal splashes. The fragrance is medium-hoppy, putting forward colossal pineapple, mango, cantaloupe and passionfruit. The juicy sensation is really massive, like a thick hoppy morning nectar! The gustatory experience consists of soft, slightly hoppy tropical fruit-juicy punch of pineapple mash, ripe mango, a tad passionfruit and a good amount of lemon pulp. Additionally, I find blood grapefruit, a drop of orange zest and faint cantaloupe. The taste is crazily fruity and juicy! The body is medium to medium-full. The beer ends with light-hoppy fruity overload of pineapple, mango, grapefruit, lemon and honey melon. I can also catch a glimpse of traces of orange zest and distant mandarine. The aftertaste kicks the taste receptors' asses for quite a lengthy time. The mouthfeel is relatively soft and smooth, significantly tropical, awesomely juicy and lovely. The mouthfeel is also deep, rather full and breakfasty. Extremely Vermont-leaning. I must say that Romania's craft beer scene surprises me big time! Delicious these are!

Post author: Luca_Slai
@ Lyon Bière Festival 2019
5 years ago

Post author: Andreia
@ Lyon Bière Festival 2019
5 years ago