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Mystinen Feenix 5.9%, Paloaseman Panimo, Finland
3 arviota
Mystinen Feenix
5.9% American Pale Ale


Post author: Tukiopetuslapsi
@ Olarin Panimo Kauppa & Taproom (SULJETTU)
6 years ago
Poskiontelot täynnä tulehdusta ei juuri hennommista aromeista ota tolkkua. Väri on pale aleksi vähän tumma, samoin maku. Jotain tummempaa mallasta tuossa varmaan on. Katkeroita on, kielen takaosaan jää vatsahappomainen polte. Tämä arvio ei varmaan tee oikeutta oluelle, täytyy testata uudelleen joskus terveempänä.

Post author: Tuukka P
Tuukka P
@ Olarin Panimo Kauppa & Taproom (SULJETTU)
6 years ago
Mystinen Feenix, Finland

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Helsinki Beer Festival 2019
6 years ago
Mystinen Feenix, Finland
Last for tonight. Semihazy, amber beer with reasonable, quick carbonation builds a half-a-finger, cloud-white, small-bubbled head that melts soon down to a thin lace ring on top. Light-hoppy dry-grassy aroma, accompanied by grapefruit pulp and lemon peel emanates to the nostrils. The taste is medium-strong with bags of grapefruit zest, lemon peel and grassy hops. I also detect a bit of dry hops. The body is light-medium. The beer finishes with somewhat bitter dry hops, a nice punch of grated lemon peel and a tad grapefruit juice. The aftertaste remains in the mouth for a reasonable time. The mouthfeel is crisp, distantly dry and faintly mouth-drying. It's also a bit tangy and sharp. Over and out.