Jari J
@ De Bierliefhebber6 years ago
Please be good. I'm sick of getting bad beers from Prairie.
Bottle. Best before: 31.12.2019
Temperature: +8 degrees
Well, doesn't look good. Over carbonated beer... Beer almost jumped out when I oppened the bottle. Nice golden colour though: 3/5
Nose has a lot of Funkiness with overly ripped fruit, citrus, tartness, touch of pineapple, "horse ass sweat" (I really don't know how to descripe this aroma) and leather. Quite nice: 4,25/5
Mouthfeel has a ton of carbonation. Body is light. Bitterness is medium... Seems off: 3/5
Funky and bit yeasty flavour with citrus undertones, barnyard-y flavours, hay... I'm dissapointed (once again): 8/15
Yeah, I think I'm going to leave Prairie beers on the shelfs now on. They just aren't really nice. This is clearly over carbonated and even other wise, not so brilliant beer: 11,5/20