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Edna 3.8%, Pressure Drop Brewing (UK), England
4 arviota
3.8% Sour / Wild Ale
Seasonal Sour.


Post author: Silas M
Silas M
6 years ago

Post author: Beer Hunter
Beer Hunter
6 years ago
Edna, England

Post author: BigSniffy
6 years ago
Sour times call for sour beers. I liked the sound of this and it doesn’t disappoint. It pours fairly clear with a peachy kind of colour. There’s an aroma of Hay and yeast with an undercurrent of berry fruits. (Pun intended). It’s nicely carbonated and fizzes on the tongue. It’s quite light and crisp as you’d expect from this style of beer with a nice dry fruitiness and a good old kick in the sour jaw bone. You know the one. A bloody good sour.

Post author: orson
@ Hop Burns & Black
6 years ago
Edna, England
Suoraan tölkistä nautittu. Oikein raikas ja miellyttävän hapan kevyt sour. Omena aika hallitseva tässä, joka tuo siiderin piirteitä tähän.