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Willie Smith's Organic Apple Cider 5.4%, Willie Smith's, Australia
2 notes
Willie Smith's Organic Apple Cider
5.4% Apple Cider


Post author: Ilya M
Ilya M
5 years ago
Not terrible, but a bit of an artificial technological aftertaste.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
6 years ago
Willie Smith's Organic Apple Cider, Australia
Cloudy, deep yellow to pale orange cider with reasonable, quick carbonation builds a negligible head that dies almost immediately away. The fragrance pushes forward light-sour apple juice with a very summery twist. The tastebuds enjoy massive, slightly sour, natural apple nectar that can be described as extremely juicy. And this is not exaggeration. The cider finishes rapidly with hefty, natural fresh pressed apple juice. The mouthfeel is colossally juicy, notably subtropical, extraordinarily summery as well as very gardeny. Very palatable!