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Oreo and Milk Stout 4.9%, A Shiffaced Homebrew, United States
1 notes
Oreo and Milk Stout
4.9% Milk Stout / Sweet Stout


Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Lactose and sweetness from the creme of the Oreos used in the aroma. Taste has a bitterness from the (perhaps roasted?) malts used first, followed by lactose and then Oreo creme. If you really use your imagination, the bitterness from the malts could be mistaken as the Oreo crackers. Either way, I like this one. I talked to the guy who brewed this and offered a possible tweak to the recipe for if he decides to brew it again, but as it is, it's still tasty. Medium-ish body with a lower amount of carbonation. Thanks David. 3.75/5