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Silky Spider 5.0%, Steamrail Brewing Company, Australia
1 arviota
Silky Spider
5.0% Apple Cider


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Liquorland, Spencer St.
5 years ago
Silky Spider, Australia
Translucent, almost colorless, merely faintly green-hued cider with reasonable, short-lived carbonation unlocks a significantly rushed, negligible, whitish head that dies right away. The scent is medium-strong apple juice with a relatively sweet twist and a distant idea of cinnamon. Again, verification of the ingredients is impossible due to the lack of information on the label. The palate is semisweet apple juice with a welcome mild sourish background. Cinnamon looms as a very remote nuance somewhere in the shadows. The aftertaste is quite short. The mouthfeel is a bit soft-drink-like, natural, truly light and nicely soft.