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Vanilla Noir 11.0%, Prairie Artisan Ales, United States
5 notes
Vanilla Noir
11.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
8 months ago
Vanilla Noir, United States
Another Duo with Ryan, could not end the night with that last brew. This one comes from a special edition four pack that included a glass from Prairie Artisan Ales. Deep color of course, almost no head. Wonderful strong aroma of malt, vanilla and a pronounced alcohol. Smooth and silky texture which is the characteristic of all of the prairie artisan ale stouts. The addition of vanilla beans is both subtle and a gentle addition. The problem is that it's not exceptional or very different from some of their other Imperial stouts. I feel like they have taken a fantastic Imperial Stout basic beer and used it as a vehicle for many other flavors. Worked exceptionally well with a pumpkin beer I had last year. But simply throwing some vanilla into the vat doesn't add anything to raise its standing as a unique and special experience. This felt like a lazy attempt to simply sell beer and not try to elevate into something extraordinary.

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
2019 vintage, 13.7% abv Whiskey and vanilla in the aroma . Taste has vanilla first and foremost, followed by whiskey and oak. Simple, yet delicious. Body is medium-full, bordering on full bodied, with an appropriately lower amount of carbonation. 4.5/5

Post author: JSJ
5 years ago
Vanilla Noir, United States

Post author: Sami S
Sami S
5 years ago
Ei nää vaa ole mun juttuja

Post author: Miitre
5 years ago
Vanilla Noir, United States
Tämänhetkinen fiilis ei riitä pitkään analyysiin, mutta tämä on jälleen mieletön pläjäys. Runsaasti pehmeää vaniljaa, lakritsaa ja aivan mahtava tamminen viskitynnyrisyys: juuri sopivan reiluna, mutta ei överinä. Well done! 4,7.