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Sherry the astronaut 10.3%, Humaloidi Homebrewing, Finland
1 notes
Sherry the astronaut
10.3% Barley Wine


Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Humaloidi Homebrewing
6 years ago
Sherry the astronaut, Finland
Time to put some homebrewed stuff here again: Sherry the astronaut is an English style barleywine with 10,3% ABV and 73 IBU. This is bottled almost 10 months ago and it is the last bottle of the batch. Temperature: +13 degrees FERMENTABLES: Maris otter, Munich, Crystal medium, Crystal extra dark, Muscavado, Extra light DME HOPS: Magnum, Cascade YEAST: Safale S04 +Oak aged in Sherry oloroso oak chips Dark reddish brown colour with small beige head, which slowly dissapears. Little bit of cloudiness in appearance. Nose has bready maltiness, red berries, sherry notes, licorise and caramel. Unfortunately there is also a faint metallic shade. When this beer was younger it had some harsh alcohol smell, propably because I had difficulties of controlling the fermentation temperature. The hars alcohol is no gone. Full mouthfeel with soft carbonation. Bitterness is rounded and well noticebly. Maybe a little bit too high as its dries the beer out some. I would like to have some residual sweetness in barleywine. Taste has maltiness, red berries, fruits, sherry and licorise. Alcohol is strongly present and sadly has a booze-like essence, which comes through especially in the aftertaste. Definately an English style barleywine. Maybe slightly underpitched, because the aromas and flavours are not so clean. Fermentation temperature was way off and it sadly has leaved its mark in the beer. Sherry oloroso oak chips are great addition to this and really plays well with the overall taste and aromas. Especially with caramel malt and fruitness/berries. Muscavado sugar is also nice ingredient, bringin a pleasant touch of licorise. This beer is not bad, and is a nice slow sipper. Because of the off-flavours how ever, I can't enjoy this as much as I'd like. After few weeks I have new barleywine fermenting, hopefully its going to be better than this!