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Joy As An Act Of Resistance 6.2%, Wiper and True, England
4 arviota
Joy As An Act Of Resistance
6.2% India Pale Ale
Part of a series of brews for Bristol beer week. "What is taste? The most visceral microcosm of joys that can take you anywhere for a second. We saw the honour of creating with Wiper and True an opportunity to take you into our world with Beer as it's vehicle: Violet as the floral tribute to honour beauty in the face of death and blackcurrant because we are fruity". Idles


Post author: BigSniffy
5 years ago
It’s band collab night, the RTJ and BRLO went down well and now to a truly stunning beer. Thank you Bristol for producing two things I love. It’s a truly cracking beer, it’s malty and hoppy in perfect balance, there’s a little sweetness from the fruits with a little hint of Parma violet. As the band would say.....All is Love. Mmmmm

Post author: Renan P
Renan P
6 years ago

Post author: BigSniffy
6 years ago
I’ve had to sadly miss Idles at Manchester tonight so I’m listening to the Album Joy as an act of Resistance and opening another bottle of this beauty. I’ve left it to warm a little more this time and it really does make all the difference. All the aromas from last time seem heightened the flavour is still beautiful, masculine yet feminine, strong yet subtle. This may sound like I’m a few in but this is my only beer tonight. If you can find this, buy some and drink it whilst listen to the album it’s named after but most of all as the band would say......Love Yourself!

Post author: BigSniffy
6 years ago
What can I say? It pours a lovely amber colour with an almost pink/violet tinge. There’s a light aroma of wild soft fruits, black currant and brambles. It’s got a really light body and a nice warming slightly spicy taste. It’s malty with just a balance of hops, not too citrus more peppery with a lovely hint of Violets. It’s masculine yet feminine at the same time. Hats off to wiper & true for this collaboration with one of my favourite bands, IDLES.