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North X Het Uiltje Triple IPA 10.0%, North Brewing Co., England
4 Bewertungen
North X Het Uiltje Triple IPA
10.0% India Pale Ale


Post author: Rorobzh
6 years ago

Post author: este
@ North Bar Harrogate
6 years ago
North X Het Uiltje Triple IPA, England
🏆My BEER #200🏆 6 stars 🤪 👉 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I'd love to introduce you my absolutely number one 🥇! You know me very well my hoppy fellas and You know how much I love BREWDOG my favorite brewery but this time something different 😉 Beer from North Brewing Co "Triple IPA with Her Uiltje" knocked me out triple times - this beauty is unbelievable, taken from the divine table 🤟🏻😇🍺! It's absolutely unique and to be honest it's not easy to buy. Big thank you to my friend Philip (you are star ⭐)  for giving 🤗 * APPEARANCE - the first impression of the colour and texture was absolutely outstanding 😲! Poured beer just looked like delicious mango juice with beautiful look - shimmering colors from yellow, orange falling into to the red at the bottom of glass. Very small white thick head but amazing "muddy" hazy texture just like I LOVE 💚💛❤️ * AROMA - henestly ... Just like tropical, mango juice with little notes of hops. Also little bit malty and definitely giving the impression of sweet flavour. Pleasant smell of alcohol. * TASTE - first sip... 🤩 moved my body to the throne of god! Composition of flavors and very strong alcohol ( 10 % ) in the one drink just exceeded my wildest expectations. Every single sip I had the impression that I'm drinking thick mango juice. Orange tropical flavour with great kick of mango. Slightly notes of citrus very at the back, mostly in the aftertaste especially after more than couple sips. Lovely juicy thick texture slowly like a oil flows to my throat. Also it's slightly malty beer with small notes of hops and bitterness. * MOUTHFEEL - rich body ( medium to full ) with smooth carbonation. Excellent cloudy thick texture with unbelievable impression of juice. Aftertaste: sweet with great mix bitterness and strong alcohol in the right balance and this fact is very important because it's impossible to notice 10% of alcohol (well hidden), maybe after 30 minutes when is finished lol 🤟🏻🤣🍺 * OVERALL - magnificent imperial IPA with perfect balance between all flavours, bitterness and high alcohol. Beautiful design of can with ambient, simply patterns and lovely owl. I love composition of just two colours : graphite pencil and orange. Definitely I can drink this beer over and over again 😬 I mean ... One per day because alcohol ha ha ha 🤣

Post author: David G
David G
@ Westhill Service Station
6 years ago

Post author: pepsii
@ Mikkeller Webshop
6 years ago
North X Het Uiltje Triple IPA, England
Nyt on tuoretta; tölkitetty pari viikkoa sitten 26.4.2018 Samea oranssi triple ipa North Brewing co ja Uiltje kollaboraatio. Viimevuoden DIPAn jälkeen uusi yritys ja nyt triplenä. Nenään tulvii trooppinen hedelmäcocktail ; sitrukset eri muodoissaan, appelsiini, greippi, mandariini. Vähän mangoa, passionia ja karamelliä. Ja hyvä määrä pellettiä. Maku on vahvan humalainen. Huomaa, että on pellettiä laitettu ihan isolla kädellä. Sitrusta, greippiä, mandariinia. Jälkimaussa on katkeroa niin paljon, että vetää suuta mutruun. Pikkasen tuppaa alkoholikin puskemaan läpi. Onhan tää täyteläistä, pehmeää ja öljyistä, mutta omaan suuhun ois ehkä vähempikin määrä humalaa riittäny.